From Mainz-Bischofsheim to Kronberg
As usual, I have been travelling the world to spread joy and peace among all of God's creatures. Most recently, I have been spending time in Germany visiting different friends of mine.

He really is a jolly good fellow who greets everyone who passes by his drink fountain in Mainz-Bischofsheim. I promise. I have never seen him frown in my life. There are two things you can count on when you visit Mr. Goodfellow: 1. when you visit him you will never go thirsty and 2. you can always find your smile when you are with him. What a great spirit he has! I really enjoyed my visit with him.
After taking leave of Mainz-Bischofsheim, I boarded the S-baun to Kronberg. Once I was completely settled in for the train ride, a man in a little red beret approached me to see my ticket. At this point, I found out that I had purchased the wrong ticket and the man in the red beret almost issued me a fine. But, somehow he found it in his heart to forgive me and I just smiled.

I wonder where I'll be next...